Southvan ADP
Christmas Lunch invitation
To the families and care partners of the our program participants of South Vancouver Adult Day Program:
It would be our pleasure for you to join us in our Christmas lunch on either of the following dates:
Thursday December 15th, 2022 or Friday December 16th, 2022 at Noon.
There will be carols, turkey lunch with all the trimmings, and a visit from Santa Claus! Cost: $10.00
Please RSVP the ADP staff by phone at 604-430-6373 Ext. 301 or by email at by Monday December 12th.
我們很歡迎大家一起來參加在 2022年12月15日 or 2022年12月16日
(星期五)中午, 在本中心内設的聖誕午餐同樂會. 請在12月12日前告知工作人員
用豐富火雞午餐. 聖誕老人將會到場派禮物並與大家拍照留念.
費用: 每位$10.00
如有興趣參加同樂會者, 請與職員聯絡,
電話: 604-430-6373内線#302 或電郵